How to tie a babywrap – Workshop


We invite you to the workshop of baby wrapping.

The program includes learning how to tie a woven wrap (pocket and kangaroo) and tying an stretchy wrap.

You can come with a child of any age. But you have to remember that in the first few weeks of life, the baby will accept the wrap with the greatest gratitude.

We invite both parents with a child and pregnant ones to the workshops – then we practice binding on a doll.

Place of classes:
ul. Retoryka 1/416, 4th floor, elevator – baby carriage can be left at the reception on the ground floor.

Duration: 2 hours, with a short break in between

*Okay, and how do I sign up? Take a look in Timetable section 🙂

*We reserve the right to cancel the course if the number of participants does not exceed the required minimum number – 4 pairs

Any doubts, questions?
Write us
visit our Facebook Profile


Cost: 150 PLN per per each Mum, accompanying person is invited for free :)

After signing up, up to 24h you will get an e-mail with the details about the payment and course organization.
